William Shakespeare & Charles Dickens Inspiration.

George Inn – or, The George – is a pub first established in the medieval period serving as a coaching inn at that time.
The records of this coaching inn date back to 1542. Although the current building dates back to 1676 when it was rebuilt following a devastating fire.
William Shakespeare often frequented the inn. 🍻
Charles Dickens personally visited and stayed at the George Hotel which he described as 'one of the best inns in England' in his novel, Nicholas Nickleby.
He also referred to it in his book, Little Dorrit. 📓
The inn is now owned by the National Trust.
A memorial plaque can be found at the site.
📍75-77 Borough High St, London SE1 1NH
The nearest station is London Bridge Underground Station.🚆
if you want to find more hidden literary gems in London visit our Writer's Path Map https://www.writerspath.co.uk/map 👈
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